January 19

St. Fillan

Saint Fillan

When They Lived

St. Fillan, also known as St. Foelan, lived during the 8th century. His exact birth and death dates are not precisely documented, but it is generally believed that he was born around 750 AD.

Where They Lived

St. Fillan hailed from Ireland, a land known for its rich religious history and legendary saints. He later traveled to Scotland, where he left a lasting impact.

Notable World Events During Their Time

  1. The Viking Raids: The 8th century was marked by significant Viking raids and expansion, particularly in Northern Europe. These Viking incursions had far-reaching consequences, shaping the political and cultural landscape of the time.
  2. The Carolingian Renaissance: This period saw the revival of learning and culture across the Frankish Empire under the reign of Charlemagne. The Carolingian Renaissance laid the foundation for the development of medieval European civilization.
  3. The Tang Dynasty in China: During St. Fillan’s life, the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) in China was at its peak. This era is renowned for its advancements in art, science, and technology, making it one of the golden ages of Chinese civilization.
  4. The Iconoclastic Controversy: The Byzantine Empire was embroiled in the Iconoclastic Controversy during the 8th century. This theological and political dispute revolved around the use of religious images (icons) and had profound effects on the Eastern Christian Church.


St. Fillan is primarily recognized as the patron saint of those with mental illnesses or emotional disorders. His intercession is sought by individuals facing psychological struggles or seeking inner peace. He is also invoked for the protection of crops and against diseases in both humans and animals.

Early Life

Saint Fillan was of Royal descent. Fillan, Also called Foelan in some literature, was born around 695 A.D. His Father was Feriach, who is said to be King Dalirada’s child, and his mother was Kentigerna, daughter of Cellach Cualann, who was King of Leinster.

He became a monk very early in his youth, getting inducted into the abbey of Saint Fintan Munnu. He continued to live in the Monastery until 717, when he accompanied his mother, who would later be named a saint, to Scotland.

Devotion and Dedication

There is no complete biography of Saint Fillan, and so what he did in Scotland is not recorded in Detail.

However, history agrees that Saint Fillan lived as a Hermit in Scotland. He settled down at Loch Duich with his mother, his uncle, Prince Saint-Comgan, and his unnamed siblings.

Later on, Saint Fillan moved on to Taghmon, where he served as a monk temporarily. There he lived a monastic life, although he spent time preaching the gospel with his mother.

In the 8th century, he moved on to Pittenweem, or the Place of the Cave. This place was located in the east of Scotland, somewhere named Fife. There, he resumed living his life in solitude.

In Pittenweem, Saint Fillan was elected and served as Abbot.

Although he spent most of his life living as a hermit in Glendochart, Saint Fillan built Churches in Galloway, Islay, and eventually Glendochart.


Saint Fillan was also affiliated with a small village called Killin, where it is believed that he built a mill.

Although it was claimed that Saint Fillan performed miraculous healing on the sick, there is much folklore that circulates concerning this revered saint.

Some claim that Saint Fillan possessed a bright glow in his left arm, which he used to study the scriptures at night.

Other stories attribute more extreme types of miracles to him. One version claims that when Saint Fillan was plowing the fields near his home in Killin, a wolf killed the ox he was using to transport building materials for the church.

Because Fillan could not continue, he prayed, and the wolf took up his dead ox’s work.


Saint Fillan died in Strathfillan in 770.

Even after his death, Saint Fillan is said to have still performed miracles. In the 19th century, mentally ill people were said to have been dunked in Saint Fillan’s Pool, tied to pews, and left overnight.

It was said that whoever’s bonds were loosened by morning was healed.

Saint Fillan’s relics are known to have performed some notable miracles. For example, King Robert the Bruce used The Mayne, Fillan’s arm bone, to win the Bannockburn battle. He then built a monastery to thank Saint Fillan.

Saint Fillan’s bell, The Bernane, rests in the Scottish National Museum in Edinburgh, and his staff is in the Museum of Scotland.

Saint Fillan was canonized Pre-congregationally. He is remembered by the Roman Catholic Church on January 19.

5 Interesting Facts About St. Fillan

  1. Did you know that Saint Fillan is the Patron Saint of the mentally
  2. Did you know that there is a locality in New South Wales, Australia,
    named after Saint Fillan?
  3. Did you know that in Killin, there are stones claimed to have Saint
    Fillan’s power of healing
  4. Did you know that Saint Fillan’s cave in Pittenweem, which now
    belongs to St. John’s Episcopal Church and is a regular spot for
  5. Did you know that for some time, Saint Fillan’s cave fell out of
    favor as a shrine? It was used by smugglers and to store fishing
    nets. However, it was rededicated by the Bishop of St. Andrews in
    1935 and is now a place for worship.

Prayer to St. Fillan

Dear St. Fillan, Please pray for our family and friends who are being murdered by the Freemasons. Please intercede for them, and like you once had a wolf carry your boxload, ask our enemies to do the same for the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
