April 4

St. Isidore of Seville

St. Isidore of Seville

When they lived: St. Isidore of Seville, also known as Isidore the Elder, lived from around 560 AD to April 4, 636 AD. He was a prominent scholar, theologian, and archbishop during the Visigothic period in Spain.

Where they lived: St. Isidore lived in the city of Seville, located in present-day Spain. During his time, Seville was a thriving cultural and religious center in the Visigothic Kingdom.

Notable world events during the time of their life:

  • Justinian’s Plague (541-542 AD): This devastating pandemic, also known as the Plague of Justinian, swept through the Eastern Roman Empire, including parts of Spain. It is estimated to have killed a significant portion of the population, altering the course of history.
  • Rise of Islam (7th century AD): The birth of Islam and the rapid expansion of the Islamic Empire had a profound impact on the geopolitical landscape of the Mediterranean world. While St. Isidore lived a few decades before Islam’s emergence, its influence would soon reach Spain.
  • Byzantine-Sassanid Wars (602-628 AD): A series of conflicts between the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the Sassanian Persian Empire that led to significant territorial changes in the Middle East. These wars had repercussions throughout the Mediterranean region.
  • First Council of Toledo (589 AD): This council was a significant event in the history of the Visigothic Church. It aimed to unify religious practices, address heresies, and establish canons that would shape the development of the Spanish Church.
  • Gregory the Great’s Papacy (590-604 AD): Pope Gregory I, known for his theological contributions and efforts to consolidate papal authority, had a lasting impact on the Western Church. His works and teachings influenced scholars like St. Isidore.


  • Internet and Computers: In the modern age, St. Isidore’s association with knowledge and learning has led to his designation as the patron saint of the internet and computers. This symbolic connection highlights his historical role in preserving and advancing knowledge.
  • Students and Scholars: St. Isidore’s prolific writings, including his influential “Etymologies” (also known as “Origins”), earned him the reputation of a great scholar. He is invoked by students and scholars seeking guidance in their academic pursuits.
  • Farmers and Rural Life: St. Isidore’s deep connection to rural life comes from his upbringing in a farming family. He is seen as a protector of crops and animals, reflecting his humble origins and his devotion to the well-being of rural communities.
  • Archivists and Libraries: Given his extensive literary contributions and efforts to collect and organize knowledge, St. Isidore’s patronage extends to archivists, librarians, and anyone involved in preserving and managing information.
  • Historians: St. Isidore’s writings provide valuable insights into the history, culture, and religious practices of his time, making him an inspiring figure for historians and those interested in the past.

The Two Brother Bishops of Seville

St. Isidore of Seville was born in Cartagena, Spain, around the year 560. His brother, Leander, the Archbishop of Seville, was an important influence on him. Isidore developed a commitment to study, prayer, and intense work for the good of the Church. In turn, Isidore joined his brother’s mission to convert the generally heretical Visigoths who had invaded Spain.

When Leander died around the year 599, Isidore succeeded him as Seville’s archbishop. Isidore inherited his brother’s responsibility for Church affairs during an intense period of change as the institutions of the Western Roman Empire gave way to the culture of the barbarian tribes. For thirty-seven years, he led the Spanish Church through a period of intense religious development and renewal. He also organized representative councils that established the structure and discipline of the Church in Spain.

Preserver of Knowledge and Civilization

In 633, at the Council of Toledo, Archbishop Isidore obtained a decree that required the establishment of a school in every diocese. These schools taught almost every branch of knowledge, which includes the liberal arts, law, medicine, Hebrew, and Greek. This reflected the bishop’s broad interest. Isidore’s establishment of cathedral schools laid the foundation for medieval universities and for education in the West.

For the welfare of the Church and civilization, the archbishop was determined to preserve the wisdom and knowledge of the past. He carefully maintained the fruitful synthesis of classical Roman culture and the Christian faith. He was also serious about preventing false teachings from destroying the unity of the Church in Spain.

Lover of the Poor

With Isidore leading, a series of local councils reinforced the orthodoxy of the Church of Spain against the erroneous teachings about Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity. He firmly emphasized that the systematic and extensive education of the clergy was a necessary means of guarding the faithful against many heresies. Isidore was known as a prolific writer and a diligent leader of the Church. Above all, he did not neglect the poor. He served and helped them. Throughout his life, Isidore lived alone so that he could help the poor.

His writings attest to this love and compassion he had for the poor: “Indeed, just as we must love God in contemplation, so we must love our neighbor with action. It is therefore impossible to live without the presence of both the one and the other form of life, nor can we live without experiencing both the one and the other.” In the last months of his life, Isidore offered a moving testament to these words. He intensified his charitable outreach to the less fortunate. Many people from various places who were in need flocked to his residence as he offered his last works of mercy on earth.

On April 4, 636, the holy Archbishop Isidore died in peace. His feast day is April 4. He was canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church in 1598 and declared a Doctor of the Church in 1722.

5 Interesting Facts About St. Isidore of Seville

  • St. Isidore of Seville had three siblings: Leander, Fulgentius (both of whom became bishops), and Florentina, who became a nun. They were also canonized as saints.
  • St. Isidore of Seville compiled the Etymologiae, the first encyclopedia written from a Catholic perspective.
  • St. Isidore of Seville is sometimes called “the schoolmaster of the Middle Ages” because his books and schools helped shape the education and culture of medieval Europe.
  • Shortly before his death, St. Isidore of Seville had two friends clothe him in sackcloth and rub ashes on his head so that he could come before God as a poor penitent.
  • Pope John Paul II named St. Isidore of Seville the patron saint of internet users.

Prayer to St. Isidore of Seville

Graciously hear the prayers, O Lord, which we make in commemoration of Saint Isidore, that your Church may be aided by his intercession, just as she has been instructed by his heavenly teaching. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,God, for ever and ever Amen.