February 2

St. Joan de Lestonnac

Saint Joan de Lestonnac

When they lived: St. Joan de Lestonnac lived from November 27, 1556, to February 2, 1640.

Where they lived: St. Joan de Lestonnac primarily lived in Bordeaux, France. She was born in Bordeaux and spent much of her life there.

Notable world events during the time of their life:

  • The Age of Exploration (late 15th to 17th centuries): This era saw significant voyages of exploration and discovery, including Christopher Columbus’ journey to the Americas, Magellan’s circumnavigation of the globe, and the opening of new trade routes. These events reshaped the known world and led to the exchange of cultures, ideas, and goods.
  • The Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648): A devastating conflict that engulfed Europe, the Thirty Years’ War had profound political and religious implications. It was a complex web of conflicts involving various European powers and resulted in significant shifts in territorial boundaries and the balance of power.
  • The Scientific Revolution (16th to 17th centuries): During St. Joan de Lestonnac’s lifetime, the Scientific Revolution was underway. Figures like Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, and Isaac Newton were making groundbreaking discoveries in astronomy, physics, and mathematics, challenging traditional views and laying the foundation for modern science.
  • The English Civil War (1642-1651): This conflict between the monarchy and Parliament in England had repercussions not only for English society but also for the development of constitutional monarchy and democratic principles.

Their patronage: St. Joan de Lestonnac is known as the patron saint of widows, abused women, and those who suffer from in-law problems. She also holds patronage over the victims of broken marriages, reflecting her dedication to supporting women in challenging circumstances.

Early Life

Despite the political and religious climate into which she was born,Saint Joan de Lestonnac led a devout Catholic life.

Saint Joan was born in Bordeaux, France, on the 27th of December, 1556. Her family was a distinguished and rich member of the Kingdom of France.

Her father was said to be a Catholic named Richard de Lestonnac, who was a respected member of the Legislative Arm of Bordeaux. Her mother was Jeanne Eyquem.

Saint Joan’s mother was a Calvinist and tried to convince Joan to share her faith. Joan vehemently refused and instead pursued her devotion to the Catholic faith.

Her mother was unimpressed, but she was supported by her father and uncles.

Saint Joan was 17 when she became betrothed to Gaston de Montferrant, who was at that time Baron of Landiras.

The marriage was a very happy one, and Saint Joan had seven children with Gaston de Montferrant. Unfortunately, only four of the seven children survived.

Life continued as usual until tragedy struck again.

In 1597, when Saint Joan de Lestonnac was 41 years old, her husband passed away.

She was shattered. They had been together most of her life, and without him, she felt alone. Seven months after the death of Gaston de Montferrant, her father and uncle passed away.

Regardless of her pain, she made sure that she raised her surviving children properly. She made sure to provide for them, and by the time they were old enough to handle responsibilities, she decided to pursue a religious life.

Dedication and Devotion

At the age of 46 in 1602, Saint Joan de Lestonnac went to Toulouse and joined the Cistercian Monastery. There, she was given the Christian name Jeanne of Saint Bernard and dedicated her life to working for God.

At Toulouse, she prayed fervently, fasted constantly, and took a vow of poverty, making it a point to restrain herself from vanity. This went on for six months, until her body could no longer withstand the strain.

Saint Joan fell ill and had to leave the monastery to recuperate. She traveled back to her estate, where she lived for some time.

At her estate, she continued to pursue religion, but in a different way. Saint Joan focused on providing for the poor and sick.

She began to set up meetings with other young women, whom she taught about religion. As much as she was interested in teaching others and being a source of hope for them, she also needed mentors of her own. This caused her to adopt the lives of Saints like Saint Scholastica.

When Saint Joan was 49, Bordeaux was struck by the plague. Many died, and many were left seriously ill.

Touched by the misery that had touched the land, she set out back to her hometown. Risking her life, she went around preaching, praying, and providing for the sick.


Saint Joan’s brother, who was a Jesuit, introduced her to Jean de Bordes and François de Raymond. These two elderly men were Jesuit fathers and were interested in setting up a school.

They invited Saint Joan de Lestonnac to establish a female-only school for the daughters in the area. Saint Joan set up a cloistered community of sisters who doubled as teachers for the children.

This Benedictine cloistered community was named the Compagnie de Notre-Dame and authorized in 1607 by Pope Paul V.

The establishment had initially been placed near the a priori but was later moved to an empty monastery on rue du Hâ.

The monastery continued to grow, and soon there were different schools for girls in different towns.

Death and Canonization

Saint Joan de Lestonnac died at the age of 84 in France in 1640.

At the time of her death, there were said to be about 30 schools in total.

Saint Joan de Lestonnac was canonized on May 15, 1949. She is celebrated by the Catholic Church on the same date as her canonization.

5 Interesting Facts About St. Joan de Lestonnac

  1. Did you know that Saint Joan Lestonnac is the patron saint of abuse?
    victims and widows?
  2. Did you know that Saint Joan Lestonnac was chased out of the
    monastery as a conspiracy by one of the sisters? The sister wanted
    to wield authority. She later repented, but Joan refused to become
    superior once again.
  3. Did you know that Saint Joan Lestonnac had a vision of Saint Mary?
    Saint Mary showed her that she was going to help lost children.
  4. Did you know that Saint Joan Lestonnac’s community now has over 3000
    sisters in more than 17 countries?
  5. Did you know that Saint Joan thought she was going to die from her

Prayer to St. Joan de Lestonnac

Dear God, when life is not going my way, I want other people to make it right again. I sometimes choose to shower my unhappiness on whomever I meet. Help me to concentrate on your blessings this day so that I can be an inspiration to others and reflect my faith in you.
