June 1

St. Justin Martyr

St. Justin Martyr

When they lived:

St. Justin Martyr lived during the 2nd century AD.

Where they lived:

St. Justin Martyr was born in Flavia Neapolis (modern-day Nablus) in the Roman province of Judea, which is present-day Palestine.

Notable world events during the time of their life:

  • Roman Empire reaches its height (c. 117-138 AD): St. Justin Martyr lived during the apex of the Roman Empire’s power and influence, under the reign of Emperor Hadrian. The Roman Empire was at its territorial peak, boasting incredible cultural diversity and technological advancements.
  • Antonine Plague (165-180 AD): Also known as the “Plague of Galen,” this deadly pandemic spread throughout the Roman Empire, causing widespread suffering and death. It had a significant impact on the population and had implications for the social and economic structure of the empire.
  • Bar Kokhba Revolt (132-135 AD): During this time, a major Jewish rebellion erupted in Judea against the Roman Empire’s rule. The conflict was led by Simon Bar Kokhba, and its suppression resulted in significant consequences for the Jewish population in the region.
  • Establishment of the Antonine Wall (142 AD): The Romans built the Antonine Wall in present-day Scotland, marking the northernmost frontier of the Roman Empire. This defensive wall had strategic implications for the Roman military presence in the region.
  • The Golden Age of Chinese Literature (c. 2nd century AD): While St. Justin Martyr was in the West, the East experienced a flourishing of Chinese literature, with renowned authors like Zhang Heng making significant contributions to poetry, prose, and scientific writings.


St. Justin Martyr is considered a patron saint of philosophers, apologists, and Catholic teachers. He is recognized for his eloquent defense of Christianity and his efforts to engage in philosophical debates to bridge the gap between faith and reason.

A Lover of Wisdom

Justin, who would later be referred to as Justin Martyr, was born around the year 100 to Greek-speaking parents in the Palestinian province of Samaria (ancient Shechem). His father was an adherent of the Greek pagan religion. Justin was raised in that religion. He was also given an excellent education in history and literature.

As a young man, Justin was interested in philosophy. He searched for truth in the various schools of thought that emerged throughout the empire. However, despite this ardent desire, he was frustrated with the philosophers’ conceits and limitations, aside from their apparent indifference to God.

After some years of study and searching for answers, Justin encountered an old man who urged him to study the Jewish prophets. That encounter had a life-changing impact on Justin’s life and views. The old man told him that the prophets had not solely spoken by inspiration from God, but they also prophesied of Christ’s coming and the establishment of His church. The aspiring philosopher began to be drawn to the beliefs and doctrines of Christianity, which eventually led him to be baptized around age thirty.

The Unapologetic Apologetic

After his conversion, Justin continued to wear the philosopher’s toga. He embraced a life of simplicity and austerity even after he moved to Rome. He was deeply inspired by the dedicated example of Christians whom he had seen martyred for their faith. He was most likely ordained as a deacon because he preached, was not married, and gave religious instruction in his own home. Other than that, he was also the author of various apologetic works that centered on the defense of the Catholic faith against pagans, Jews, and non-believing philosophers. Some of his works, which were strongly worded, were addressed to Roman officials to refute the lies that had been perpetrated against the Church.

In his writings, Justin also explained that the Church considers celibacy a sacred vocation. He also condemned the common practice of infanticide and denounced the accumulation of excessive wealth and property. Justin also explains in his writings that the Church regards celibacy as a sacred calling, condemns the common practice of killing infants, and looks down on the accumulation of excessive wealth and property. His first defense, or apology, was written to Emperor Antoninus Pius around the year 150. He convinced the emperor to regard Christianity with tolerance.

However, when Marcus Aurelius was made emperor in 165, persecution of Christians began again. In that year, Justin wrote to the emperor, who was himself a philosopher. He attempted to demonstrate the unjust treatment of the occurring persecutions and defended the superiority of the Christian faith over Greek philosophy. Fully convinced of his claims, Justin expected that he would be put to death for expressing them.

Martyred for His Convictions

Indeed, Justin was arrested along with a group of other believers. They were brought before the Roman prefect, Rusticus. The prefect made it clear that Justin could be spared from execution. This would happen if he would obey the gods and comply with the edicts of the emperors. Justin, steadfast in faith and conviction, refused and instead replied, “No one can be justly blamed or condemned for obeying the commands of our Savior Jesus Christ.”

Rusticus gave them another opportunity to save their lives from death and questioned them regarding their beliefs about Christ and their manner of worship. Justin and his companions declined the prefect’s advice to renounce their faith and pledge their loyalty to the emperor. With firm faith, Justin said, “There is nothing that we more earnestly desire than to endure torments for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are Christians and will never sacrifice to idols.” Along with his six companions, Justin was scourged and beheaded. His feast day is June 1.

5 Interesting Facts About St. Justin Martyr

  1. St. Justin Martyr is the patron saint of philosophers and lecturers.
  2. St. Justin Martyr has been regarded as a saint since the earliest centuries of the Church. Eastern Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians also celebrate his feast day on June 1.
  3. St. Justin Martyr wrote one of the earliest documents that described the weekly Sunday liturgy of Christians. The structure of their worship is in great contrast to the present form of the Holy Mass. He also emphasized that only baptized people and those free from serious sins may receive the Eucharist.
  4. Most of St. Justin Martyr’s works are lost. His existing works are The First Apology, The Second Apology, and Dialogue with Trypho.
  5. St. Justin Martyr was the first known writer to quote from the Acts of the Apostles.

Prayer to St. Justin Martyr

O God, who through the folly of the Cross wondrous taught Saint Justin the Martyr the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ, grant us, through his intercession, that, having rejected deception and error, we may become steadfast in the faith. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever, Amen.