October 28

St. Jude Thaddaeus

Saint Jude Thaddaeus

When They Lived

St. Jude Thaddaeus is believed to have lived during the 1st century AD, between 1 AD and 80 AD.

Where They Lived

St. Jude Thaddaeus is thought to have lived in various regions of the Middle East, primarily in the areas that now encompass modern-day Israel, Palestine, and Syria. He was closely associated with the city of Jerusalem.

Notable World Events During Their Time

  • Roman-Jewish War (66-73 AD): St. Jude Thaddaeus lived during the tumultuous Roman-Jewish War, which resulted in the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.
  • Great Fire of Rome (64 AD): In 64 AD, a massive fire swept through Rome, leading to the persecution of early Christians, including St. Jude Thaddaeus.
  • Pax Romana: St. Jude Thaddaeus lived during the Pax Romana, a relatively peaceful period in the Roman Empire that facilitated cultural exchange and the spread of Christianity.
  • Birth of Christ: While not within his lifespan, the birth of Jesus Christ occurred just decades before St. Jude Thaddaeus’ time, influencing the early Christian community.
  • Hellenistic Influence: St. Jude Thaddaeus experienced the lingering influence of Hellenistic culture, shaping the religious and philosophical landscape of the region.

Their Patronage

St. Jude Thaddaeus is widely recognized as the patron saint of desperate and difficult situations. He is often invoked for help in seemingly hopeless circumstances, offering hope and comfort to those facing challenges.

Early Life

Saint Jude Thaddaeus is also called Jude Lebbaeus or Jude the Apostle because he was one of the 12 disciples picked by Jesus Christ.

He is said to be confused with Judas Iscariot, which is very wrong. This might account for the reason why his original name, Judas, was shortened to Jude by the historians.

Saint Jude is associated with Saint James the Less. He is also said to be a cousin of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Saint Jude was born around the first century in Galilee, under the Roman Empire. He was said to have been mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible about six times under supposedly different introductions.

While there are various arguments concerning who his family was, most biblical scholars seem to agree that Saint Jude was born to Clopas and a woman called Mary, cousin to the Blessed Virgin.

This is supported by pieces of historical research that often refer to his father as Alphaeus. While some of these fragments claim that Saint Jude was brother to Joseph, Apostle James, and even Simon and Thaddaeus, others beg to differ.

Some reports simply place him among a Jewish family in Paneas, Galilee.

Dedication and Devotion

Some historical accounts claim that Saint Jude was a preacher. He was said to have been to places like Judea, Samaria, Idumaea, Mesopotamia, and even Libya.

Tradition claims the Saint was fluent in both Aramaic and Greek, which he used to preach. Ge was also a farmer at the time.

His family were devout Christians, and his father may have been persecuted for his belief in Jesus Christ. Saint Jude himself is credited by many as having been the first, along with Apostle Bartholomew,to bring Christianity to the Armenians.

Saint Jude was said to have been part of those who elected his brother Simeon (Saint Simeon) as Bishop of Jerusalem around the year 62.

Many historians claim that Saint Jude was the disciple in the Bible who sat with Jesus Christ at the Last Supper and asked him why he wouldn’t appear to the world after he was resurrected.


Saint Jude was said to have written epistles to various Churches In the East. Some people even think that some of these letters might have been sent to the early Jews.

Saint Jude was one of the early Christians who stood against the Simonian, Nicolaite, and Gnostic heresies.

Saint Jude wasn’t just a follower of Christ. He was a great preacher who risked his life to spread the Gospel. Various miracles have been attributed to the great man’s name.

Death and Canonization

Although not proven, Saint Jude was said to have been martyred around 65 A.D. in Beirut. He might have been with Apostle Simon of Zealot, who was probably also martyred.

Many traditions claim that he might have been killed with an axe. Many others claim that he might have been executed in Armenia.

Saint Jude’s body might have been brought to Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. This was a popular pilgrimage site chosen by many faithful. His body might have been kept under Saint Joseph’s altar.

Some people claim that his body was left in an Armenian monastery in Kyrgyzstan until the 15th century.

Saint Jude was Canonized Pre-congregationally. He is often depicted in artwork holding a club or an axe. He might also be seen with a flame around his head. This is supposed to signify his presence at Pentecost.

He might also be seen holding the picture of Jesus, depicting the image of Edessa.

Saint Jude is venerated across all Christian denominations and even in Islam. In respect to the Saint, there are shrines dedicated to him all over the world in places like Australia, Brazil, Sri Lanka, and even Lebanon.

5 Interesting Facts About Saint Jude Thaddaeus

  1. Did you know that Saint Jude was reported to have been a vegetarian?
  2. Did you know that the Chicago Police Department claimed Saint Jude
    as their patron saint.
  3. Did you know that Saint Jude was said to have been the groom at the
    wedding that Jesus Christ attended?
  4. Did you know that Saint Jude is referred to as the patron saint of
    the Hopeless, the despairing, and the Impossible?
  5. Did you know that Saint Jude might be seen holding a scroll that
    signifies his epistle?

Prayer to Saint Jude Thaddaeus

Most Holy Apostle St. Jude Thaddeus, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor who delivered your beloved Master into the hands of the enemies has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the Church honors and invokes you universally as the patron of hopeless cases and things despaired of.

Pray for me, who is so needy; make use, I implore you, of that particular privilege accorded to you to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despised.

Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and succor of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (here mention your petition), and that I may bless God with you and all the elect throughout eternity.

I promise you, O blessed Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, and I will never cease to honor you as my special and powerful patron and to do all in my power to encourage devotion to you. Amen.
