August 16

St. Stephen the Great

St. Stephen the Great

When they lived:

St. Stephen the Great lived from 1433 to 1504.

Where they lived:

St. Stephen the Great was a ruler of Moldavia, a historical region located in present-day northeastern Romania.

Notable world events during the time of their life:

  • Fall of Constantinople (1453): One of the most significant events during St. Stephen’s reign
    was the fall of Constantinople, the Byzantine capital, to the Ottoman Empire in 1453. This event marked the
    end of the Byzantine Empire and significantly impacted the geopolitics of the region.
  • Italian Renaissance (14th to 17th centuries): During St. Stephen’s time, the Italian
    Renaissance was flourishing. This cultural and artistic movement had a profound impact on European
    intellectual life, contributing to advancements in art, science, and literature.
  • Columbus’ First Voyage to the New World (1492): In 1492, Christopher Columbus, an explorer
    sponsored by Spain, reached the Americas. This event opened up new possibilities for trade, colonization,
    and cultural exchange, reshaping the global perspective of the time.
  • Printing Press Invention (mid-15th century): Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing
    press with movable type revolutionized the spread of knowledge, ideas, and religious texts. This advancement
    had a profound influence on the dissemination of information during St. Stephen’s reign.
  • The Reconquista (Completion in 1492): During St. Stephen’s lifetime, the Catholic Monarchs
    of Spain, Isabella I of Castile, and Ferdinand II of Aragon, completed the Reconquista, recapturing the last
    Muslim stronghold of Granada. This marked the end of Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula.
  • Battle of Vaslui (1475): A notable military event during St. Stephen’s reign was the Battle
    of Vaslui, where the Moldavian forces, led by St. Stephen himself, achieved a decisive victory against the
    Ottoman Empire. This victory cemented his reputation as a defender of Christianity and earned him the title
    “Athleta Christi” (Champion of Christ).


St. Stephen the Great is venerated as a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church and is considered a national hero in
Romania. He is often invoked as the patron saint of rulers, statesmen, and defenders of the Christian faith. Due
to his significant military victories and his dedication to protecting his people and faith, he is also regarded
as a patron of national sovereignty and independence.

St. Stephen the King

After the death of his father, Stephen fled to Hungary and then to Wallachia. He then returned to Moldavia in 1457, forcing Aaron to seek refuge in Poland, as Stephen had support from Vlad III Tepes and the Voivode of Wallachia.

Stephen then went on to attack Poland, forcing the Polish king not to support Peter Aaron. In 1462, Stephen decided to recapture present-day Kiliya in Ukraine, formerly known as Chilia, and this brought him into conflict with Hungary and Wallachia. He was seriously wounded during this siege, but he managed to capture the town two years later.

In 1467, the king of Hungary invaded Moldavia, but Stephen defeated him in the Battle of Baia. In 1470, Peter Aaron attacked Moldavia with the support of Hungary, but he was also defeated, resulting in his execution.

Stephen restored old fortresses and built new ones, which improved Moldavia’s defense system as well as the central administration. During that time, Ottoman was the suzerain, but Stephen stopped paying tribute to him and launched a series of campaigns against Wallachia in order to replace its rulers who had accepted Ottoman’s suzerainty.

Stephen eventually defeated a large Ottoman army in the Battle of Vasluiin in 1475, and he was referred to as the Champion of Christ by Pope Sixtus IV. In 1476, the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed invaded Moldavia but retreated due to the plague and a lack of provisions. From 1486 on, Stephen again paid a yearly tribute to the Ottomans.

Throughout his time as a ruler, Stephen fought many wars, most of which he won.

After 1486, many stone churches and monasteries were built in Moldavia, and this contributed to the development of a specific Moldavian architecture. During his last years, his son and co-ruler, Bogdan III, played an active role in the government.

The family man

He is known to have had numerous wives, with some of the women having questions about their legitimacy as wives. For example, the woman named Mariusca who gave birth to his first legitimate son, known as Alexandru, is not really known if she was a legitimate wife or not as there are conflicting reports.

He also had many children, including two or three sons named Alexandru. However, it is not known if the first legitimate son is the one who went on to be Stephen’s co-ruler because he died as an infant, as there are also conflicting reports.

Stephen had either three or four legitimate wives who bore him children, as well as other illegitimate children. He is also reported to have had extra-conjugal rights with peasants as his wives were from royal families.


He was canonized by the Romanian Orthodox Church in 1992.

He is venerated as Stephen the Great and Holy. He is the patron saint of deacons, headaches, horses, coffin makers, and masons.

5 Interesting Facts About St. Stephen the Great

  1. St. Stephen was the first Christian martyr.
  2. St. Stephen’s long rule represented a period of stability in the
    history of Moldavia.
  3. Modern Romanians regard him as one of their greatest national heroes.
  4. He fathered two or three sons named Alexandru.
  5. The treaty that Stephen ratified at Harlau in 1499 put an end to
    Polish suzerainty over Moldavia

Prayer to St. Stephen the Great

Let us begin, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.Amen. rious St. Stephen, first Martyr for the Faith, filled with compassion for those who invoke you, with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles. I kneel at your feet and humbly beg you to take my present need under your special protection.

(Mention your request here.)

voucher to recommend it to our Lord Jesus. Cease not to intercede until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace to one day meet God face-to-face, and with you and Mary and all the angels and saints, praise Him through all eternity. O most powerful Saint Stephen, deacon and martyr, do not let me lose my soul, but grant me the grace of winning my way to heaven, forever and ever. Saint Stephen, pray for us.